This job is not currently accepting new applications

{$|capfirst $}{$|capfirst $} M/F

Spontaneous application

Mandatory information

Your resume

Select a file from your device
(.doc, .docx, .odt, .txt, .rtf, .pdf) *
{$ fileName $}

General informations

Complementary informations

These fields are complementary, but will improve your profile visibility.

I am currently employed

{$ $}

Give us some input on your mobility

(5 items max: cities, departements, regions or countries)

{$ location.formatted_address $} No match found! {$ $chip.formatted_address $}

Salary expectations

{$ ctrl_application_manual.applicant.package_salary - ctrl_application_manual.applicant.low_fixed_salary $} of variable

Contract types

{$ $}

Wanted job roles

(10 Items max. Based on ROME directory)

{$ $} No match found! {$ $ $}
Browse job roles

Tell us more about you


By send sending this form, you accept and consent to our policy of use of my personnal data.

The data you have just provided is subject to automated processing by Actual Talent, Registered with the RCS of Lyon under number B 438 085 557, as data controller, for the purpose of processing and managing your application. This data processing is necessary for the execution of your application. The data protection officer can be contacted at the following email address rgpd@##CLIENT_DOMAIN##. The data will be kept for two years after the last contact with you. In the event of the transfer of this data to our clients as part of the mission entrusted to us, this data may be retained by our clients in accordance with the rules set by the GDPR. Our client recipients of this data are the HR department, the recruitment department, or operational department. As part of its processing operations, the data controller undertakes not to transfer your personal data outside the European Union. You have the right to access, rectify, and, in case of legitimate reasons for deletion, limit and object to the processing of your data. You also have the right to data portability and the possibility of giving directives regarding your data in the event of death. You can exercise these rights by sending an email to rgpd@##CLIENT_DOMAIN##. If you are not satisfied, you have the option of contacting the CNIL.
Missing informations
  • Please select a resume.
  • Your first name is missing.
  • Your last name is missing.
  • Your email address is missing.

Having trouble using this form?
Send your resume to apply directly for this offer using the following email addres: